Event Volunteers

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Habitat Victoria Events.

We will update this section as new events come up.

HFHV x HarbourCats Partnership

Take yourself out to the ballgame this Summer!  Enjoy HarbourCats Baseball all while supporting Habitat Victoria! Volunteers are wanted for all home games of the 2024 season.

We have two volunteer options for each game:

  1. Habitat Ambassador:  volunteers will man our information booth, engaging visitors, collecting donations, hosting games, etc.

  2. HarbourCats Usher:  volunteers will help attendees find their seats, control foot traffic, answer questions, etc.

Sign Up is now open:  https://signup.com/go/zbHiFns

Market/Fair Volunteer

Habitat Victoria is always looking for ways to connect with the community. Being a market volunteer is an awesome way to get involved in your community and experience volunteering in a fun new way.

Gingerbread Showcase Ambassador

Every year hundreds of volunteers come together to help with Habitat Victoria's premier fundraiser, the Gingerbread Showcase. Check back in November to join us at this holiday favourite!